I am going off on a tangent here. No graves or cemeteries to speak directly to. But I came across a covered bridge after leaving the Howard Cemetery. (More on that at a later time) Surviving covered bridges are something of a rarity. That alone made stopping to see it worthwhile.
But stopping became a moral imperative when I saw the name Howard and had left the Howard Cemetery just a mile or three behind me.
Today it is a classic 'bridge to nowhere.' A century ago, it was a crucial part of the local infrastructure.
Back in the day, there was a road on the other side of the bridge. Like so many other things, it has ceased to be used and is nigh on impossible to see any remanent of today. There is, though, a park and picnic area of sorts just past the bridge on the left.
Oh yes. Jim. "Why 'Jim?"" you ask?
Oh yes. Jim. "Why 'Jim?"" you ask?
Bridge-r. Jim Bridger.
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